Home / Ted Tiltins

Ted Tiltins

Managing Director, Microelectronic Sales

Ted Tiltins started Microelectronic on 13th October 1974 when Rockwell, an American company involved in the Apollo space missions, awarded him the Australian distribution of their line of electronic calculators. Within a few years most major banks in Australia had standardised on these easy to use and reliable calculators. Microelectronic’s initial success confirmed Ted’s focus on continued business equipment supply, and the Microelectronic offer quickly expanded to include typewriters, cash registers, computers, cash handling systems, cheque writing devices and office furniture and the development of solutions. In 1986 Microelectronic manufactured and supplied the first electronic ticket machines for QLD and NSW rail and it went on to become an established supplier of ticketing solutions for the cinema industry in Australia and New Zealand.

In 1990 Ted was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for his achievement in the manufacturing and business services sector.

Ted is the Managing Director of Microelectronic Sales Pty Ltd and the Chairman of the Board for the Microelectronic group of companies.
